Fully responsive webpage design
If you have ever visited a website on your phone and found that navigating the site was difficult. You have to scroll all over the page just to view the content? Now on the other hand, have you ever visited a website where when you are on your computer it looks one way, and on your phone it’s scaled and formatted different? The images and text is built in a way that is engaging and understandable no matter what device you are on?
The second example is exactly what responsive web design is.
In our modern world of cell phones, smart watches, tablets and computers, building a website that transitions seamlessly between each device is very important. If your current website does not meet this criteria, contact us today to see how we can help.
What elements need to be responsive?
When Launch A Page creates a responsive website, we focus on a few key things.
- Objects in the initial screenshot provide everything a customer needs to know, and provides a call to action that is obvious.
- Menu formatting is as intuitive on mobile as it is on desktop
- Image sizes are scaled properly to not go into the margins
- Text is formatted and sized to be legible as well as understandable
- All objects on a page fit within the predefined margins
- Logos and site titles are formatted to provide the most visually appealing header area
- Contact information is easily accessible and is set up to call whenever a phone number is clicked
- Email links are designed to open the mobile app to easily send emails
- Forms are optimized to not be excessively lengthy.
- All elements are spaced enough to not inhibit click ability.

Responsive web design is important for Google rankings

In the latest information distributed by google regarding search rankings it tells us that mobile web formatting will be the first criteria looked at to determine ranking position. No longer are the google bots looking at a desktop version of your site to determine how high up their results to place your site. If your webpage is not optimized for mobile, you will not rank well.
Creating a responsive website experience reduces bounce rate
Bounce rate refers to the amount of people that visit your site for a short period of time and exit that site quickly. If someone arrives at your webpage and can not find what they are looking for quickly because of poor design, they will leave just as quick.
A responsive website can change all of that. If you create a user experience that directs your customers to your call to action, you can reduce your bounce rate. This in turn will also increase your satisfied customers and grow your lead base.

Focus your users attention by optimizing your responsive mobile website
By ensuring your site formats to the mobile version, you can focus a users attention on the parts of your website you want them to engage in. Whether you want them to call, fill out a form, buy a product, become a member or any other task, creating a focused responsive website is important.
Use responsive web design to direct customers to take action
At Launch A Page we create responsive, SEO optimized, quality websites to help you target future business opportunities. We help direct customers to take the action your expect to produce the results required for success.