Using YouTube Videos to Promote Your Services
As the final installment in this article about FREE online marketing opportunities we had to discuss YouTube. YouTube can be a major traffic generator when used properly.
Showcase A New Product Or Service
You are able to use YouTube to create short promotional videos highlighting your offerings. Many companies will use a short video from YouTube to promote a new product or service. If you are expanding in a new area making a video of you providing that service in that new area can help build reputation and trust. When customers see your company in action it provides real life examples of your quality, professionalism, and integrity.
Beat The Competition
It can also show how you are different than the completion. Do you offer a higher quality of service then others? Do you want to be able to showcase that difference to potential clients. YouTube is a perfect platform to display your qualities.
Create How To Videos
Another well used marketing technique is providing How To Videos on YouTube. By providing a potential customer information on how you provide a service it will do one of two things. Either they will decide that they can do that service themselves or they will see just how difficult it is to do well and call your company.
Use How To Videos To Sell Products
You can also use How To videos to sell products. Do you have a special tool that you need to use to complete a project? Do you want to showcase a new product and pitch that product to your customers as you would if you were in front of them? YouTube provides that avenue.
Integrate Your YouTube Video With Social Media
Creating a YouTube video is a great way to boost your site traffic alone but it becomes even more beneficial when you integrate it into your social media and website. Creating a website posting with a video and linking it to your Facebook and Instagram provides many more opportunities for customers to see your video and perform the call to action you create with it.
5 Totally FREE Online Marketing Resoureces
As a reminder, the following are 5 totally FREE online marketing resources for small businesses. Create a Google Business listing, integrate your social media with website articles and postings, setup email capture and newsletter distribution, generate quality backlinks, and finally use YouTube to add the extra flair to make your business stand out. If you would like help with any of these tips or would like more information on creating a small business website contact us today at 801-200-7443.